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Trucking 101: America’s Top Trucking Providers 2016

America’s Top Trucking Providers And How They Can Help Your Logistics Program

Selecting a trucking company is one of the most important decisions you’ll have to make for your supply chain because your goods are going nowhere without them. Many will need multiple carriers across the nation, others will have intricate challenges and still others will just need a lift to the nearest port. But whatever your particular needs are, you’re likely referencing this annual report to learn about the trucking providers that can help you.

With that in mind, we’ve designed the feature with a twofold purpose: First, to list the 101 trucking providers in the
categories of each service they offer for easy reference, and second, to present each in a brief write-up that highlights a company strength or lesser-known service. Why? Because if you need flatbed services, for instance, the fastest way for you to cut to the chase is to have a list of providers; and yet we want that list to have obvious companies and perhaps some that are better known as truckload or LTL carriers.

And finally, a note about the term “trucking providers.” Not all of these companies are easily classifiable as trucking companies—but then, in 2016 it’s fairly difficult to easily classify most companies in logistics, as smaller companies expand their service portfolios and large companies swallow up their peers. Here’s the question we’ve asked for the past few years: If a trucking company offers warehousing and other value-added 3PL services, and a 3PL offers asset-based trucking, where does a trucking company end and a 3PL begin? But much more importantly, why should you care? After all, you just want someone to handle your logistics needs.
In the final analysis, that’s what we’ve offered here: A list of companies that can handle your trucking requirements, presented in an easily referenced format with quick-hit, informative summaries of each provider.